
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Caveat for Taxpayers & Parents

Research shows the 2 factors that affect achievement most are:
* A highly effective teacher, and
* A teachers who care.
While state departments are crying for rigor and relevance, districts are enduring cut after cut, and we fear what the future face of public education will look like. This video is a stark warning of dark days ahead for classroom sizes. I wonder whether the same property owners who are crying in NY for a "tax cap" will be crying about poor performance when their children's class size rises to over 30, their kindergarten programs are cut or shortened, music art PE library and other non-assessed areas are reduced or eliminated.

What "tax-cappers" don't understand is that certain fixed expenses are increasing often at rates of 20% per year. That means that in order to fund the additional 18% additional funding, it has to come from the elimination of programs (or concessions from employee benefits rather than the elimination of those employees). So, which alternative is your choice?

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